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Access the Visit Japan Web site without internet

Upon your arrival at the airport in Japan, you'll need to present a QR Code at the immigration desk by accessing the Visit Japan Web site on your phone. Screenshots and printed copies are not accepted. If you're unable to show the QR Code, your only option will be to fill out a form on-site.

The easiest solution is to have internet access on your phone, either through free Wi-Fi at Haneda or Narita airports. The website also offers a feature that allows you to access the QR Code without an internet connection.

Use the app only to display the QR Codes; always use the website if you need to update any information.

This method might seem a bit technical, but it ensures a smooth start to your trip. You can also check out our article on the formalities for traveling to Japan.

1 - Installing the Visit Japan Web App on Your Phone

To install the app, you'll need internet access, which you can do either at home or at the departure airport.

For Android Phones

  • Go to Visit Japan Web
  • Tap "Use now" to go to the login page.
    • If you’re already logged in, skip the login step as you’ll be directed to the homepage.
  • Log in to your account, making sure to check the "Remember me" box to stay logged in.
    • You should now be on the homepage, with your trip displayed in the "Register planned entry/return" section.
  • At the top right of your phone screen, tap the three vertical dots to open a menu.
  • Tap "Install the app"
  • Tap "Install" again.
    • No confirmation message will appear but application icon appears on your phone
Login to Visit Japan Web
Login to Visit Japan Web
Chrome Setup Menu
Chrome Setup Menu
Install the Visit Japan Web app
Install the Visit Japan Web app

For Apple Phones:

  • Go to Visit Japan Web
  • Tap "Use now" to go to the login page.
    • If you’re already logged in, skip the login step as you’ll be directed to the homepage.
  • Log in to your account, making sure to check the "Remember me" box to stay logged in.
    • You should now be on the homepage, with your trip displayed in the "Register planned entry/return" section.

  • At the bottom of the screen, tap the middle button.
  • Tap "Add to Home Screen."
  • Tap "Add" in the top right corner.

Once this process is completed, a new "Visit Japan Web" app will appear in your list of apps.

2 - Displaying QR Codes in the Visit Japan Web App

Open the app to view your trip homepage. If prompted to log in, make sure to check the "Remember me" box so you stay logged in even without internet access.

To display the QR Codes, follow the same steps as on the website:

  • Tap your trip in the "Register planned entry/return" section.
    • The trip details screen will appear.
  • Select the person for whom you want to display the QR Codes.

To display the immigration QR Code:

  • Tap the "Display QR Code" button in the "Preparation for immigration clearance" section.
  • On the next screen, tap "Display QR Code" again at the bottom of the page.
Show immigration QR Code
Show immigration QR Code
Immigration QR Code screen
Immigration QR Code screen

To display the customs QR Code:

  • Tap the "Display QR Code" button in the "Preparation for customs declaration" section.
  • On the next screen, tap "Next" at the bottom of the page.

When a QR Code is displayed on your phone, you can:

  • Switch the person by tapping the displayed name.
  • Switch the QR Code by tapping the "Customs Declaration QR Code" or "Immigration QR Code" button.
Show Customs QR Code
Show Customs QR Code
Customs QR Code
Customs QR Code

Feel free to test the app without an internet connection to make sure everything works properly.

3 - Uninstalling the Visit Japan Web App

Once your trip is over, you can uninstall the Visit Japan Web app just like any other app.

Display all apps, press and hold the "Visit Japan Web" icon, and tap "Uninstall" to remove the app.

Uninstall the Visit Japan Web app
Uninstall the Visit Japan Web app

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