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2024 Autumn Leaves Calendar

Every autumn, Japan transforms into a dreamlike landscape, thanks to the vibrant display of colors offered by the changing leaves.

As the maple trees (momiji) turn a brilliant red, the ginkgos take on a bright yellow hue, creating a striking contrast in the parks and mountains throughout the country. While this season is less publicized than the cherry blossom season (hanami), it holds significant importance for the Japanese people.

Automne à Nikkô
Automne à Nikkô

For example, on the island of Miyajima, visitors can enjoy Momiji Manjû, small maple leaf-shaped cakes filled with red bean paste. These local treats are a symbol of autumn and a must-try for anyone visiting this island, known for its picturesque landscapes.

In 2024, temperatures are expected to be higher than usual. As a result, the best time to view the leaves will be slightly later than normal. For Osaka and Tokyo, this will likely be around early December.

The following information is current as of September 3, 2024, and is sourced from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA).

2024 Maple Leaf (Momiji) Color Change Calendar

Here are the forecasts for when the maple leaves will begin to change color in several major Japanese cities for 2024:

Maple Reddening Forecast by JMA
Maple Reddening Forecast by JMA


Prefecture City Start Average start
Hokkaidô Sapporo 8 novembre 2024 28 octobre
Aomori Aomori 15 novembre 2024 13 novembre
Miyagi Sendaï 27 novembre 2024 21 novembre
Tôkyô Tôkyô 1er décembre 2024 28 novembre
Ishikawa Kanazawa 30 novembre 2024 24 novembre
Nagano Nagano 23 novembre 2024 12 novembre
Aichi Nagoya 3 décembre 2024 28 novembre
Kyôto Kyôto 12 décembre 2024 5 décembre
Ôsaka Ôsaka 4 décembre 2024 1 décembre
Wakayama Wakayama 13 décembre 2024 6 décembre
Hiroshima Hiroshima 29 novembre 2024 22 novembre
Kochi Kochi 10 décembre 2024 2 décembre
Fukuoka Fukuoka  10 décembre 2024 1 décembre
Kagoshima Kagoshima 14 décembre 2024 15 décembre

2024 Ginkgo Leaf Color Change Calendar

Here are the forecasts for when the ginkgo leaves will begin to turn yellow in several major Japanese cities for 2024:

Ginkgo Yellowing Forecast by JMA
Ginkgo Yellowing Forecast by JMA


Prefecture City Start Average start
Hokkaidô Sapporo 6 novembre 2024 4 novembre
Aomori Aomori 7 novembre 2024 2 novembre
Miyagi Sendaï 29 novembre 2024 23 novembre
Tôkyô Tôkyô 26 novembre 2024 23 novembre
Ishikawa Kanazawa 12 novembre 2024 10 novembre
Nagano Nagano 15 novembre 2024 10 novembre
Aichi Nagoya 19 décembre 2024 18 novembre
Kyôto Kyôto 28 décembre 2024 24 novembre
Ôsaka Ôsaka 25 décembre 2024 22 novembre
Wakayama Wakayama 27 décembre 2024 23 novembre
Hiroshima Hiroshima 21 novembre 2024 15 novembre
Kochi Kochi 16 novembre 2024 15 novembre
Fukuoka Fukuoka  28 novembre 2024 20 novembre
Kagoshima Kagoshima 28 novembre 2024 25 novembre

Kōyō, Momiji, Kaede: What’s the Difference?

When discussing autumn colors in Japan, you’ll often hear the terms Kōyō, Momiji, and Kaede. Although these words are sometimes used interchangeably, they have specific meanings:

  • Kōyō (紅葉): This term refers to the general process of leaves changing color in autumn, whether they turn red or yellow. While there’s no direct translation for this concept in English, it encapsulates the essence of autumn in Japan.

  • Momiji (もみじ): This word specifically refers to the red leaves of maple trees in autumn. When people talk about Momiji-Gari (紅葉狩り), it literally means "hunting for red maple leaves," a popular activity where people visit mountains or parks to admire these stunning autumn colors.

  • Kaede (楓 / かえで): This term simply means "maple" in Japanese. It’s the general word for the tree, regardless of the season.

Understanding these terms will help you better appreciate the subtleties of Japanese autumn culture and fully immerse yourself in this magical time of year.

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