All the information to support you on your trip.
The best reasons to visit Japan
Seasons and events not to be missed
Estimated cost of a trip to Japan
Visa and documents required for traveling
Understanding how to use the JR National Pass
All regional passes
Best companies and prices for Japan
Estimation of the cost of transport in Japan
The preferred payment method in Japan
Estimated cost of accommodation in Japan
Selection of low-cost hotels
Unlimited access and 4G throughout Japan
“Tax-Free”: do not pay VAT
Guide to water and electricity in Japan
Guide to toilets and bathrooms
Practical guide to packing before a trip to Japan
An economical pass to visit Kamakura and Enoshima in one day
2025 Hanami calendar and festival history
Explore the Kamakura Big Buddha and its rich past
Explore the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove in Kyoto
Le Japon à Cannes